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Aqua Camps Rishikesh 4

Neelkanth Mandir Road, Ghattugad, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

Aqua Camps Rishikesh

Neelkanth Mandir Road, Ghattugad, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand


Check-In: Sat, 27-Jul-2024


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4.75 rating

Great Price This place is ₹ 1,934 less than its average nightly price


Why Should I Do This?

Things to know

  • Check'In Timings - Mon - Sun : 10:00 AM
  • Check'Out Timings - Mon - Sun : 10:00 PM

House Rules

Cancellation Policy

The cancellation policies that guests can book with us. The terms vary depending on the place and the amount of time left before check-in. All Daycations canceled before 10AM on the arrival date are fully refunded. You’ll also be able to review the cancellation policy again before you book. After you book, you’ll find the details in the reservation confirmation email.


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